PTs love Tapt Health

Westcott Physical Therapy
"I completed an entire evaluation and had almost zero paperwork to do afterwards!"

Integrative Spine & Sports
"It’s more than a SOAP note; it’s my time back. This is definitely a turning point to reducing clinician burnout in the PT industry"

Summit Physical Therapy
"I love using Tapt Health. You can get more clinical value on day one and bill more. The patient gets more and the company gets more."

Westcott Physical Therapy
"Speaking my objective findings into the mic and seeing it clearly documented after a patient session is not only so cool, but so helpful in allowing me to focus more on my patients and less on my computer screen"

Westcott Physical Therapy
"Tapt Health has greatly improved my time management throughout the day, allowing me to spend more time on patient care and less time after my day is done completing documentation."